Friday, April 22, 2011

How's the Earth Fare?

Bottle Earth

It's Earth Day today, and as good a time as any to show off some pictures from the Earth Fair that was held at St. John's University this week before Easter break. They had a bunch of cool pieces of art on display that incorporated bits of trash and repurposed it to make it into something beautiful. Tin can lanterns and chains of milk jugs hung from posts, making a kind of drum music on the Great Lawn. This piece above, a globe with painted bottles affixed to it, really caught my eye. I suggested they have an auction to raise funds for charity with these pieces, mostly because I really wanted to own that bottle sculpture.


There weren't a lot of people milling through the fair due to the rain, even though they had speakers and announcements going through a bullhorn all around campus. Emily toughed out the weather to talk to people about the importance of pollinators. She chatted about bee extinctions and cocaine addicted bats excitedly despite the cold drizzle.


Erin was handing out basil, marjoram and chive plants in halved cans for people to take home for free. She agreed to pose with my newly liberated basil plant which I've named John Cleese.

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